Eating well for my health

Eating well for my health

By Imagineo

Imagineo designs, experiments with, and shares methods for children’s participation in societal issues, with the aim of developing their agency. Its educational innovation laboratory develops tools, formats, and methods, which are tested in the field with children and adolescents. It evaluates their effects through an action-research approach. Its academy disseminates these methods and tools to education professionals broadly, aiming to enhance their impact and promote the adoption of new educational methods.

Eating well for my health

Centered around breakfast, this action research project has allowed the development of a methodology for active and participatory awareness-raising to empower children to become agents of their health and ambassadors for that of their peers. After being tested and validated, the project aims to disseminate the method to education and health prevention professionals to enrich the local landscape and target a collective impact. Ultimately, the project will be scaled nationally.​

  • By designing a professional pathway (training and support),​
  • By creating a ready-to-use educational kit to facilitate the implementation of the method by professionals,​
  • By leveraging the expertise of the VIF (Vivons en forme) program experts to co-develop, test, and evaluate the kit.

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